ETYKA W PSYCHIATRII - Przeglądy aktów prawnych
Aspekty prawne

Prawa o zasięgu światowym

Dollars, DALYs and Decisions: Economic Aspects of the Mental Health System


  • „While health improvement is unquestionably the primary goal of a health system, two other (social) goals are also proposed: the first is fair financing in health, which seeks to ensure that the financial risks each household faces with respect to health are distributed fairly, that is, according to their ability to pay; and the second has to do with how well the health system responds to the reasonable expectations of the people it seeks to serve, such as ensuring the quality of health facilities and preserving respect for the dignity of the system user.” (s. 14)

  • “It remains a paradox that although substantial information is now available on the prevalence, course, disability and burden of mental disorders, information on the resources that exist or are needed to respond to this burden is lacking in most countries (WHO, 2001b; p. 6).” (s. 16)

  • “Within the mental health system, schizophrenia treatment is an obvious example where on pure efficiency grounds alone it would be overlooked in favour of cheaper and more cost-effective care and prevention strategies for more common mental disorders, but this disorder is typically included as a priority condition as in the Nigerian package, for example because of the severity of the condition (and consequent vulnerability of effected persons to poverty and human rights violations), its frequently disastrous effect on the welfare and/or income of families, the modest but still valuable impact of treatment on individual-level symptoms and functioning, and the potential impact on the human rights situation of the person with this disorder.” (s. 37)