BIOETHICS / HEALTH CARE ETHICS - Diametros resources

Informed consent

Treatment without consent

Substitute consent

Providing medical information

Truthfulness of the patient

Telling patient the truth

Confidenitality od information

False statements about the patients health

Refusal to treat and the conscience clause

Rationing benefits


Research using human tissues

Clinical trials

Intensive therapy

Retrieving cells, tissues and organs from a living donor

Transplantation of organs from cadavers


Gynecology and obstetrics

Conflict of rights of the pregnant woman and the fetus

Psychiatry and mental health care


Protection from pain and palliative care

Paliative sedation

Paliative sedation

Medical error

Doctor liability

Liability for damage during treatment

Disciplinary liability

Criminal liability

Treating oneself and ones family

Pharmaceutical ethics

The conscience clause in pharmacy

Paramedic ethics