BIOETYKA / WPROWADZENIE - Przeglądy aktów prawnych
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WHO Resolution on sustainable health financing, universal coverage and social health insurance – 2005


Recognizing the important role of State legislative and executive bodies in further reform of health-financing systems with a view to achieving universal coverage,

1. URGES Member States:

(4) to plan the transition to universal coverage of their citizens so as to contribute to meeting the needs of the population for health care and improving its quality, to reducing poverty, to attaining internationally agreed development goals, including those contained in the United Nations Millennium Declaration, and to achieving health for all;

(5) to recognize that, when managing the transition to universal coverage, each option will need to be developed within the particular macroeconomic, sociocultural and political context of each country;

(6) to take advantage, where appropriate, of opportunities that exist for collaboration between public and private providers and health-financing organizations, under strong overall government stewardship;

(7) to share experiences on different methods of health financing, including the development of social health-insurance schemes, and private, public, and mixed schemes, with particular reference to the institutional mechanisms that are established to address the principal functions of the health-financing system;