BIOETYKA / WPROWADZENIE - Przeglądy aktów prawnych
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WMA Resolution on Access of Women and Children to Health Care and the Role of Women in the Medical Profession


In many countries, due to, inter alia, religious and cultural convictions, female doctors and nurses have been prevented from exercising their profession, which may lead to female patients and their children not having access to health care.


Therefore, the World Medical Association urges its constituent members to:

  • Categorically condemn violations of the basic human rights of women and children, including violations stemming from social, religious and cultural practices;

  • Insist on the rights of women and children to full and adequate medical care, especially where religious and cultural restrictions hinder access to such medical care;

  • Promote women's and children's health rights as human rights;

  • Sensitize their membership on issues of gender equality and on participation of women in decision-making and health related activities;