BIOETYKA / WPROWADZENIE - Przeglądy aktów prawnych
Prawa dzieci

Prawa o zasięgu światowym

Child rights – podstawowe zasady

All children and adolescents should have the means and the opportunity to develop to their full pote ntial

Life, survival, maximum development, access to health and access to health services are not just basic needs of children and adolescents, but fundamental human rights.

CRC monitoring and use of the CRC reporting process

When a state ratifies the CRC, it enters a continuous cycle of monitoring and reporting on the capacity of its children and adolescents to experience their rights. State Parties prepare situation-analysis reports which are submitted for review to the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child (the Committee). The reporting process of the CRC can act as a valuable monitoring and evaluation mechanism for child and adolescent health. CAH has the responsibility for coordinating WHO input to the work of the Committee. Since 1998, CAH has prepared and presented to the Committee more than 50 health commentaries on State Party reports. As a result, the Committee has actively encouraged a number of countries to seek support from WHO and to adopt or strengthen activities in favour of child rights in their country.