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Age-friendly Primary Health Care (PHC) Centres Toolkit – WHO 2008

Objectives s. 8

The toolkit aims at:

  • Improving the primary health care response for older persons.

  • Sensitizing and educating primary health care workers about the specific needs of their older clients.

  • Assisting primary health workers in how to operate the geriatric care instruments/tools contained in the toolkit.

  • Raising awareness of the accumulation of disabilities – both minor and major – experienced by older people to primary health workers.

  • Providing guidance on how to make primary health care management procedures more responsive to the needs of older people.

  • Providing guidance on how to do environmental audits to test primary health care centres for their age-friendliness.

II.3.1 Recommendations on preventive services for older adults s. 17

Health promotion interventions in later life require a different focus than those at younger ages, with an emphasis on reducing age-associated morbidity and disability and the effects of cumulative disease co-morbidities as illustrated in Figure 1 . PHC practitioners should have the opportunities to alter risky behaviours. Lack of time and skills are key barriers. Since the common risk factors, smoking, physical inactivity and unhealthy diet are risk factors that contribute to most of the health conditions among older adults, modifying these and keeping healthy lifestyles are key components of good health practice in older age.