BIOETYKA / WPROWADZENIE - Przeglądy aktów prawnych
Prawa osób starszych

Prawa o zasięgu europejskim

CHARTER OF RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS OF ELDERLY CITIZENS - French National Foundation for Gerontology 1966


Article VIII

Old age is a physiological - normal condition. Lack of self-sufficiency is always a consequence of physical or psychical disease. Some of these conditions of disease may be prevented. Therefore, it is necessary to advocate such medical procedures that result in prevention of the lack of self-sufficiency.

Methods using which it is possible to prevent these conditions should be the subject of information intended to wide public, particularly to elderly citizens.

Article IX

Each person with affected self-sufficiency should have access such services they need and which are useful for them.

By no means should they become mere passive recipients of services, either at the facility or at home. Approach to services should be subject to individual needs of the patient. No age discrimination may occur. Services include all medical and other expert health-related activities; they should be adapted to elderly people's needs, not the other way round.

The objective is the improvement of the patient's quality of life and alleviation of bothering symptoms, such as pain, improvement or maintenance of good mental condition, return of hope.

Institutions in general (hospitals as well) should have staffing, material and architectural equipment adequate for admission of elderly citizens, even those mentally ill.

All administrative measures resulting in unnecessary waiting for the relevant service must be eliminated - they are in fact on of the forms how elderly people are mistreated.

Article X

Anyone working with elderly patients should be trained in gerontology on the level adequate to their profession. The training must be initial and continuous, it should deal with specialities of the diseases and needs of elderly patients.

All professionals should have the opportunity to analyse their attitudes and practical approaches in co-operation with a psychologist.

Article XI (respect at the end of life)

The patient in terminal phase of disease as well as their family should be given care, assistance and support.
