BIOETYKA / WPROWADZENIE - Przeglądy aktów prawnych
Prawa osób z zaburzeniami psychicznymi

Prawa o zasięgu europejskim

Joint Action. Mental Health and Well-being – EU 2013



The main objectives of the Workpackage on Depression, Suicide, including E-Health are:


The main objectives of the working group on Depression, Suicide, including E-Health (Work package, WP4) are:

Building on outcomes of 2008 European Pact for Mental Health, and the new WHO Mental Health Strategy

Proposing recommendations for action for:

  • Taking action against depression and to prevent suicide in different target groups (adolescent, young adults, middle age and older people), implementing evidence-based interventions including e-mental health and improving sustainability of good practices

  • Disseminating best practices, putting evidence-based tools to action in different communities

  • Mediating the impact of economic crises on depression and suicide, focusing on most vulnerable groups

  • Promoting trans-national approaches to e-support for minority groups present in more European countries

  • Optimizing cooperation between professionals and civil society organizations

  • Integrating e-health interventions into the package of health services and clinical practice of health professionals

  • Taking further the outcomes of past and ongoing European projects (e.g. SEYLE, WESTAY, SUPREME, IMHPA, EMIP, EAAD, MONSUE, OSPI-Europe, EUREGENAS, MHPHands, PROSPECT, PREDI-NU, PROYOUTH)

  • Scaling up involvement of local and international networks, strengthening their cooperation and promoting their sustainability

  • Encouraging and supporting key stakeholders for knowledge transfer, education and dissemination of best practices

  • Promoting monitoring, quality control and sustainability of evidence-based actions agaist depression and suicide.