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End of Life Care Strategy. Quality Markers and measures for end of life care – Department of Health 2009

Top ten Quality Markers for providers s. 11

  1. Have an action plan for the delivery of high quality end of life care, which encompasses patients with all diagnoses, and is reviewed for impact and progress.
  2. Institute effective mechanisms to identify those who are approaching the end of life.
  3. Ensure that people approaching the end of life are offered a care plan.
  4. Ensure that individuals’ preferences and choices, when they wish to express them, are documented and communicated to appropriate professionals.
  5. Ensure that the needs of carers are appropriately assessed and recorded through a carer’s assessment.
  6. Have mechanisms in place to ensure that care for individuals is co-ordinated across organisational boundaries 24/7.
  7. Have essential services available and accessible 24/7 to all those approaching the end of life who need them.
  8. Be aware of end of life care training opportunities and enable relevant workers to access or attend appropriate programmes dependent on their needs.
  9. Adopt a standardised approach (the Liverpool Care Pathway or equivalent) to care for people in the last days of life.
  10. Monitor the quality and outputs of end of life care and submit relevant information for local and national audits.