BIOETYKA / ETYKA MEDYCZNA - Przeglądy aktów prawnych
Ochrona przed bólem i opieka paliatywna

Prawa w Irlandii

Strategic Plan 2012-15 – IHF (Irish Hospice Foundation)

Strategic objectives s. 6

Strategic objective 1:
To advocate for quality services for care at end of life for all, including bereavement care
Strategic objective 2:
To continue, through partnership, to build capacity to meet the end-of-life and bereavement care needs of patients and their families in all care settings, irrespective of age or diagnosis.
Strategic objective 3:
To develop innovative responses to specific end-of-life care challenges in the areas of service equity, patient choice and the physical environment
Strategic objective 4:
To inform, educate and empower about key issues at end of life, including bereavement.
Strategic objective 5:
To further strengthen our independence and operational efficiency through our fundraising programme, underpinned by effective governance and internal development.