BIOETYKA / ETYKA MEDYCZNA - Przeglądy aktów prawnych
Ochrona przed bólem i opieka paliatywna

Prawa w Australii

Supporting Australians to Live Well at the End of Life. National Palliative Care Strategy 2010 – Australian Health Ministers

Awareness and Understanding

Goal 1:

To significantly improve the appreciation of dying and death as a normal part of the life continuum.

Goal 2:

To enhance community and professional awareness of the scope of, and benefits of timely and appropriate access to, palliative care services.

Appropriateness and Effectiveness

Goal 3:

Appropriate and effective palliative care is available to all Australians based on need.

Leadership and Governance

Goal 4:

To support the collaborative, proactive, effective governance of national palliative care strategies, resources and approaches.

Capacity and Capability

Goal 5:

To build and enhance the capacity of all relevant sectors in health and human services to provide quality palliative care.