BIOETYKA / ETYKA MEDYCZNA - Przeglądy aktów prawnych
Ochrona przed bólem i opieka paliatywna

Prawa w Australii

National Pain Strategy Pain Management for all Australians – National Pain Summit initiative 2011

Mission, Goals, and Priority objectives as agreed by the National Pain Summit s. 4-6


To improve quality of life for people with pain and their families, and to minimise the burden of pain on individuals and the community.

Goal 1: People in pain as a national health priority
Recognition and optimal management for people in pain will be pursued as a national health priority. This includes people experiencing acute pain, sub-acute pain, chronic pain and pain associated with cancer. The economic cost of sub-optimal management of pain will be reduced, for people with pain, carers, families and the community. (…)
Goal 2: Knowledgeable, empowered and supported consumers
People with pain, their carers and other supporters will have the knowledge and confidence to seek appropriate advice, education and/or treatment to enable them to better understand and manage their pain. The social, economic and regulatory environment (i.e. employers, legal systems, compensation systems, insurance bodies, and government agencies) will provide a compassionate, empathic and well-informed framework to support people in pain. Educational and management initiatives for people with pain, carers and other supporters will be developed and evaluated in collaboration with consumers and carers. (…)
Goal 3: Skilled professionals and best-practice evidence-based care
People with pain will have timely access to best-practice, evidence-based assessment and care. Comprehensive education and training in pain management will give medical, nursing and allied health professionals in the public and private sectors the knowledge and resources to deliver such care. Education in the biopsychosocial processes underpinning acute and chronic pain will give health professionals an accurate conceptualisation of pain and underpin care. Consumer expertise will be included in the development of professional education materials. At the end of their lives, all Australians will die with their preventable pain and other symptoms well managed, in the place of choice for them and their families. (…)
Goal 4: Access to interdisciplinary care at all levels
People with pain will have timely access to effectively coordinated care and support, as close as possible to where they live. People with pain will have access to an interdisciplinary team of appropriately skilled practitioners, (virtual or actual), both in community and in hospital settings. (…)
Goal 5: Quality improvement and evaluation
Outcomes in pain management will be enhanced through a quality improvement process using measurement of outcomes, evaluation and feedback. The health care system will facilitate the judicious, appropriate, safe and effective use of pain medicines and technologies. Quality improvement and evaluation initiatives for people with pain will be developed in collaboration with consumers. (…)
Goal 6: Research