BIOETYKA / ETYKA MEDYCZNA - Przeglądy aktów prawnych
Użycie środków odurzających

Prawa o zasięgu światowym

A report for World Hospice and Palliative Care Day – Help the Hospices/Worldwide Palliative Care Alliance 2007


Rozdział 3 (s. 27)

 Why are opioids not accessible to palliative care patients?

Help the Hospices surveyed palliative care providers to ask why they felt oral morphine* was not accessible to their patients (responses from 69 HCWs all in different organisations): 24 in Asia; 28 in Africa; and 17 in Latin America).

Reasons for the lack of availability could be categorised as:

  1. Excessively strict national laws and regulations.
  2. Fear of addiction, tolerance and side effects.
  3.  Poorly developed healthcare systems and supply.
  4. Lack of knowledge – HCWs, public and policy makers.